Now after the recent WhatsApp update, you can use the same number on multiple devices simultaneously.
Yes, you heard me right. All the devices can send and receive the messages simultaneously and in real time.
Belo are the steps to do that:
1. Make sure you have one active device with your primary number running up WhatsApp.
2. On secondary device, install WhatsApp from playstore (or apple store). For desktop is already being used to send/receive message.
3. On secondary device, open WhatsApp that you recently installed.
4. Do not enter the number to verify, instead click on 3 vertical dots on top right on the WhatsApp screen.
5. Click on Link As Companion option
6. A QR code will be displayed, now open primary device and click on 3 vertical dots and choose Linked Devices option.
7. Now scan the QR from secondary device.
8. Now, both the devices are ready to use simultaneously.
Please comment and let me know if you have any questions or query.
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